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League of Legends Gold rank icon
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Appear Offline
Nenhum dos seus amigos verá o booster jogando em sua conta.
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VPN Encryption
Sua conta permanece segura com nosso sistema avançado de VPN.
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Rastreamento de encomendas
Acompanhe seu pedido de forma eficiente e sem esforço através da área do cliente.
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Free Extra Options
Funções e campeões personalizados, VPN e modo offline, vêm como padrão.
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Loyalty Rewards
Receba descontos significativos e recompensas de cashback em todos os pedidos.
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24/7 Live Support
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Select Your Favored Service tutorial step image
Select Your Favored Service
First, select your game and method of ranking up. There are various ways to reach your desired goal. Choose the one which fits most to your needs.

You can always talk to us on live chat if you need help.
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Intuitive and straightforward purchase process.
Get started
Step 1 icon
1- Select Service
Select and customize your desired service.
Step 2 icon
2- Complete Payment
Choose your preferred payment method.
Step 3 icon
3- Rank-up
Follow your order and live chat with your booster.

Boosting de LoL do Provedor Número 1 do Mercado

A BuyBoosting oferece serviços de elo boost desde 2014, acumulando experiência incomparável no segmento. Somos reconhecidos pelos melhores serviços de boost disponíveis, com profissionais que competem nos níveis mais altos do jogo. Exigimos que todos nossos boosters sejam no mínimo Challenger e passem por um rigoroso processo de seleção. Acreditamos que estas medidas são essenciais para oferecer o melhor serviço de elo boost do mercado, garantindo uma experiência cinco estrelas focada totalmente em sua satisfação tanto hoje quanto no futuro.
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Advantages of LoL Boosting

Purchasing a LoL boost from BuyBoosting offers significant advantages for players seeking rank improvement. The most common reason players buy boosting services is to escape ELO hell. Playing in lower ranks can be incredibly frustrating for skilled players. With professional boosting services, you can skip the struggle and start enjoying ranked games at your dream level in League of Legends. Another advantage comes from the user-friendly nature and wide range of customization options available. Beyond choosing a duo queue boost, you can add features like specifying champion pools for your booster, priority delivery, and order tracking, all tailored to enhance your competitive experience.
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How BuyBoosting's LoL Boosting Services Work

BuyBoosting provides comprehensive League of Legends boosting services for players looking to improve their in-game rankings. While each service has unique features, they all share the primary goal of elevating your competitive standing. Boosting is available in solo queue, 3v3, and flex queue formats, with additional subcategories including placement matches, champion mastery, and promotion boosting. The duo queue option allows you to participate in the boosting process, while solo queue boosting requires sharing your account details. Both methods guarantee effective ELO improvement, high win rates, a smooth boosting experience, and quick results to accelerate your climb up the ranked ladder.
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